- 703.645.0280
- contactus@belstar.com
Large Projects
I-95 Express Toll Lanes, Maryland Transportation Authority

In July 2005, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) received federal approval to construct the I-95 Express Toll Lanes (ETL) Project which spans ten miles of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway. Once complete, the project will ease congestion and increase safety by making improvements to I-95, reconstructing bridges and interchanges, and adding ETLs. The result of this project will provide two ETLs and four general-purpose lanes in each direction. Motorists can choose to travel the general-purpose lanes at no cost or pay a toll to use the ETLs. Current work includes construction of general-purpose ramps at the I-95/I-695 interchange. Belstar’s role includes: cost management; schedule management; building, facility and infrastructure condition assessment; physical surveys; inspection; project management and dispute resolution support services.
This project involves the permit construction inspection for Arlington County (primary road network), Fairfax County North and Loudoun County in the Northern Virginia District. Permits engineering support requires the use of fulltime personnel consisting of Permits Project Engineers, Senior Permits Engineers, Permit Engineers, Permits Engineering Technicians, and Clerk/Interns. In addition, one (1) on-call Geo-technical engineer is required. The required staff provided is fully capable of handling engineering functions and features of work which include the review of roadway plans, GIS database management, generating correspondence on behalf of the Department and general permit project management. Belstar’s scope of work consists of providing two (2) experienced and qualified Permits Engineers and a Clerk Intern to review all permit applications and associated engineered plans for completeness and accuracy, and to recommend the permit application for approval, or to deny if necessary. These services include: investigating and issuing Right-of-Way permits, resolving issues between permit-tees and adjacent property owners, assisting Boards of Supervisors on special projects such as homeowner complaints and potential safety issues, and providing solutions to existing problems. This effort is completed in accordance with VDOT’s Road and Bridge Specifications and VDOT’s Land Use Permit Manual. Belstar personnel are required to keep field inspection notes for each assigned project documenting each field visit and follow-up with all safety and erosion and sediment violations. These services include timely follow-up with contractors so that the work is completed in a timely manner. Personnel are also responsible for follow-ups with the permit-tee to include permit expiration, punch lists completed within the allotted time period, and follow-up on pending permits.
Northern Virginia Permits, Virginia Department of Transportation

On Call Support Services, Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority

Belstar is currently a member of the PMC team for On-Call Support Services for Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Washington Dulles International Airport and the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The scope of services includes providing owner representative services for capital construction related building, facilities and infrastructure projects. The various task orders have included program, design, procurement support, condition assessments, physical surveys, inspection services, pre-construction support and post construction support. Both Airports have a combined total of more than 100 facilities structures. The combined program is in the 3 Billion dollar range. Belstar’s role includes: cost management; schedule management; building, facility and infrastructure condition assessment; physical surveys; inspection; project management and dispute resolution support services.
The Intercounty Connector (ICC) will link existing and proposed development areas within central and eastern Montgomery County and northwestern Prince George’s County with a state-of-the-art, multi-modal east-west highway that limits access and accommodates the movement of passengers and goods. The ICC will provide a much-needed link from BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport to the Washington metropolitan region, ensuring long-term economic benefits for Maryland. In addition, the ICC will save a full hour for those commuting round-trip from just south of Baltimore to Gaithersburg. For a variety of routes, morning commute times are projected to decline by 25 percent to 50 percent by 2030 as compared with conditions expected if the ICC is not built. The ICC is also expected to yield an often-overlooked benefit: safety. The ICC is expected to reduce crashes on nearby roadways by approximately 350 incidents per year. The on-schedule ICC project will be finished in late 2011 or early 2012. Belstar’s role includes: cost management; schedule management; building, facility and infrastructure condition assessment; physical surveys; inspection; project management and dispute resolution support services.
Intercounty Connector (ICC), Maryland Transportation Authority

On-Call Project Management Support, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Belstar was a member of the CTC Metro team for the On-Call Project Management-Support for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). The CTC Metro Team provided support services for over 200 WMATA facilities in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. The CTC Metro team scope of services included providing owner representative services for all building, facilities and infrastructure projects. The various task orders included: program; design; procurement; condition assessments; physical surveys; inspection; pre-construction support; and post construction support. The combined program budget was in the $4 to 5 billion range. Belstar’s role included cost management, schedule management, project management and dispute resolution support.
Belstar was a member of the URS Corp team for the modernization of the Pentagon for project specific services for the Pentagon Basement, Courtyard Utility project, New Major Feeder Project, New Physical Plant project. The scope of services included providing the owner’s design services, bid support, construction administrative support and post construction close out services. The various task orders included program, design, procurement, inspection, pre$-construction support and post construction support. The program consists of more than 200 separate task orders that were in various stages on development.
Pentagon Modernization

Bristol and Salem Districts, Virginia Department of Transportation
Belstar was a member of the Thompson + Litton team to provide physical survey, condition assessment, on-site facility management, data collection, capital cost development, capital project scheduling development, development of an on-line interactive data base for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Bristol and Salem Districts. The data base showed a picture of building at each facility along with the data that was collected, estimated facility cost and repair time. VDOT used the data to help formulate its long term Capital improvements program. The various task orders included program, condition assessments, physical surveys and physical inspection support services. VDOT has more that 400 building in its Bristol and Salem Districts. Belstar’s role included data collection, physical survey, and condition assessment, developing the cost model and supporting unit cost for each basic facility. These costs were then used as the model for the remaining seven districts through out VDOT. Regional cost factors were developed to account for similar facilities that were located through out the other areas of the state.
On-Call Support Services, Loudoun County, Virginia
Belstar was a prime consultant providing Project Controls On-Call support services to Loudoun County Virginia. Loudoun County is currently the Nation’s fastest growing county. Belstar provided support cost management and scheduling support for major capital facilities that the county was planning to modernize or build as new facilities. Loudoun Countyprovided Belstar with their program, physical survey, condition assessment, on-site facility management, data collection. Belstar developed capital cost program budgets and schedules that the County used to develop their 5 year Capital program budget forecast. LoudounCounty used the data to help formulate its long term Capital improvements program. The various task orders included: administrative, maintenance, and support; libraries; schools and various other facilities. Loudoun County has more that 100 building. Belstar’s role included data collection analysis, physical survey analysis, condition assessment analysis, developing the cost model and supporting unit cost for each basic facility. These costs were then used as the model for similar facilities that were located through out Loudoun County.